
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
  1. void dijkstraShortestPaths(const(GraphT) g, VertexDescriptorT src, const(WeightMapT) weights, PredecessorMapT predecessorMap, VisitorT visitor, ColourMapT colourMap, DistanceMapT distanceMap)
    template dijkstraShortestPaths(GraphT, VisitorT, VertexDescriptorT, ColourMapT, PredecessorMapT, WeightMapT, DistanceMapT, alias sumFunction = (a, b) => a + b)
    ref const(GraphT) g
    VertexDescriptorT src
    ref const(WeightMapT) weights
    ref PredecessorMapT predecessorMap
    VisitorT visitor
    ref ColourMapT colourMap
    ref DistanceMapT distanceMap
  2. template dijkstraShortestPaths(GraphT, VertexDescriptorT, VisitorT = NullDijkstraVisitor!GraphT, WeightMapT = real[VertexDescriptorT], PredecessorMapT = VertexDescriptorT[VertexDescriptorT], alias sumFunction = (a, b) => a + b)
